Today I have decided is a Comfy Pant Day. I've had one of those few weeks where today I can kind of finally relax some.
Little over 2 weeks ago, the managers at Game Stop where having a conference in Vegas. Which meant Cory would be in charge of the store for a week. It was good, things went smooth, but of course some added stress for that week. Near the end of that week I went to the doctors, I was about 8 weeks along in a pregnancy. The doctor couldn't find a heartbeat, so she tried to get me into a specialist to confirm or deny the miscarriage, but of course the first opening would be Tuesday, 5 days away.
So in order to try and keep my mind off of things the following day I decided I'd take a day for myself, drop Cory off at work and browse the clearance rack at Old Navy. On the way to dropping Cory off I drove over a curb, very unlike me (guess my mind was somewhere else) and not only broke the tire but bent the rim pretty severely too. So after I dropped Cory off I drove to the nearest tire store. But they just do tires and not rims, so they directed me to a used rim place that was almost all the way back home. They of course did not have our rim size so they called another shop, and found me one. This used auto part place was of course in the complete opposite direction. So once I got the new rim, I then had to drive back to the tire place have the put on the new/used rim and a new tire. Of course I hadn't showered before leaving the house cause I was just going to be dropping Cory off and headed straight home to get ready for the day. This also meant that Madeleine did not have any shoes or pants. I'd carry her into these auto places and she'd scream "HELP HELP" until I put her down. She was filthy from running around on those floors. By the time I got back to the tire place I walked Madeleine to the McDonald's next door to get lunch. After the tire was all fixed we drove home I showered she bathed and we headed back out to go pick up Cory from work. So my day to try and keep my mind off the situation worked, was too busy worrying about trying to get the car fixed to think of anything else.
One of my close friends wasn't feeling well and asked me to watch her little one while she napped. I of course agreed as I know how hard it is when you are sick with a child. While watching the child Madeleine was able to break a glass bowl on the floor and he spilled a gallon of milk on the floor. Later that week the rice cooker broke, I tipped over a stack of glasses and broke them all. On Tuesday I went to the specialist and he confirmed that I had a miscarriage. I decided to wait 2 weeks to see if my body would get rid of it, but my doctor wouldn't let me go longer than that and I had to schedule a D&C to remove the tissue. I then got an email from family saying they are coming October 10th for Disney Land, and not just their family but another sibling and his family. So that means another 10 or so people in the house in October.
My body didn't seem like it was getting rid of the tissue, so I had a D&C done Thursday. Cory took the day off so he could drive me, and we had a friend watch Madeleine. Friday Madeleine went to preschool, she isn't tantruming when I drop her off anymore just says "hey wait" when I leave the class room.
So today is Saturday, Cory works from 8pm to midnight tonight getting ready for inventory. So I have him most the day, and I'm thinking... its gonna be a comfy pant day. I have to go grocery shopping seeing as we are out of bread and Madeleine food, but for the most part I think I'm gonna take it easy try and relax, maybe even nap.
Overall we are doing ok, just you know... its been one of those weeks...