Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Madeleine Hungry

Sunday night Cory and I are watching the simpsons movie, Madeleine comes out of her room sees the popcorn and while grabbing her stomach says "Madeleine SO HUNGRY!" Then last night while Cory was attempting to lay her down for bed she kept saying "Madeleine hungry!" After a few minutes of her being quite she says to Cory, "Madeleine hungry! See small tummy!" and points to her tummy. I swear we are feeding this kid!

We are starting on the adventure of finding a daycare or preschool for Madeleine while I am at work. When we walk into one and they say "And what is your name?" she responds "Madeleine Robot Girl". Who knew I gave birth to a super hero?


Unknown said...

dang she's cute.

Kirsten said...

she sounds like a little Diva in the making. clearly what ever you do feed her has her coming out right ;)