Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Me At Three!

So I was looking through some photos and I found this one of me at 3 1/2 oh so many years ago. People say Madeleine looks like Cory, it'd be interesting to see a photo of him at 3.

I also found a picture of my 15th birthday... I look... just... AWESOME! Can you tell how much fun I am? What a snot I was... WAS? Still am!

Because my birthday is so near Christmas people were usually out of town for it. But for my 16th birthday I decided to throw a huge slumber party a week or two before school got out (don't remember exactly when). If I remember right it was a lot of fun, and what were my parents thinking agreeing to a party with so may teenage girls?


Unknown said...

You're cute! And you look the same now as you did at 15, only more cheerful. :)
And there's Chalise, front and center! Weird how I met you just a few years after this. We're old.

MeL said...

OH OH OH! The cheeks! The Unibrow! The fabulously festive holiday plaid pajamas! Seriously, how did I not have more hot dates? *snort*

Please to be feeling free to photoshop me out of that photo. Assuming nature does not take its proper course and melt my image out of suitable universal horror.

YOU, however, were delicious as always.

Lisa said...

Ok cutest thing ever? I mean look at you all fluffy and pink! Adorable!

Jen J said...

I must comment since I'm in this picture! If I remember correctly, the party must have included some serious 80's movies, such as Footloose and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! We had great times, didn't we?