Thursday, February 4, 2010

We All Fall Down

So all those balls that I have been juggling the last few weeks all came down on Tuesday. I had one of those weeks when I feel like another ball is being thrown at me, then another, and another. Until at one point on Tuesday night they all just came crashing on the floor. It is one of the down sides of not being near family and asking someone who is "obligated" to help you when you call with ridiculous requests.

Luckily there is a friend that saved my sanity. She watched a sick Madeleine all day on Wednesday so that I could still make it to student teaching, and Cory could still make it to his classes.

So I have a grasp on my sanity once again... we'll see how long it lasts!


Lisa said...

I hear you! I feel like I'm juggling all the time and if something gets thrown in, it's all over. Just keep at it, you're doing great! And I MISS you!

Unknown said...

ugh. yes. When our husbands get real jobs, let's try to live close enough to pick up each other's crazy.