Saturday, February 27, 2010

February What?

I realize the end of the month is already gone and it seems like it has flown by. Cory is taking 18 credit hours, I'm student teaching and Madeleine doing her school thing, it is a miracle that dishes get done. We are trying to keep our head above water.

Cory was recently diagnosed with adult diabetes, so we have a new diet and exercise that we have to follow. Cory is doing really well, I do too (except for that one week). But this also means that he has lots of doctors and testing that he has to do too. So far, so good.

Madeleine is doing well. She loves to read and Cory works with her nightly on phonics and sounding out words. It snowed the other day, and she was not happy. The "excitement" of snow has worn off this winter, and I must admit I feel the same way. Tired of the cold, ready for spring. This winter has been unusually cold for Knoxville.

I change placements in the middle of March, if I pass of course.

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