Saturday, April 21, 2007

Along came Saturday

A part of Cory's job at Game Stop is to check out games from the store for a few nights and test them out. So that he can give informed answers to customers questions. With our tax refund Cory has convinced me that him having an xbox 360 to test games out on would be very good for him. He was able to get a deal with co-worker who is planning on buying a new black one that comes out next week. So we are now the owners of a xbox 360 with not many games. One of the rules of the purchase was that it was just a device in which Cory could bring home games to test. That was until he introduced me to Guitar Hero 2. One game which we now own and which Madeleine is a huge fan of. And not just Madeleine I must admit that I'm a "bit" addicted to the game. Its a lot of fun with lots of great music. And if you know me at all, you know how much I love music. It won't be a problem to get Cory off the game... me and Madeleine on the other hand...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Madeleine looks so grown up! My family is also addicted to the guitar game. You Californians . . .